Alan Shore in the flesh! +40
David Alan Grier +20
Robert something? +20
Kerry Washington +20
The promodizers in Times Square wearing little red sequined dresses +15
Even if they keep talking about it, the little red sequined dress never actually appears in the play! +15
The floor of the set was diagonal, actual upstage and downstage! +40
Great writing... +30
...that has to be delivered perfectly, like the lines have a rhythm +30
A handful of really racist hirits! +20
James Spader signed for autographs and posed for a picture! +40
Total: +290
God of Carnage
Lucy Liu +40
Jeff Daniels +40
Janet McTeer +40
Dylan Baker +40
Dylan Baker's cellphone +20
Clafouti +10
Spewing puke +20
Coffee then rum +30
Jeff blows up +30
Janet blows up +30
Lucy blows up and throws tulips around the stage +30
It could be a joke, Two couples discuss a fight between their sons, one who has lost two teeth... +20
Everyone shifts teams at least twice +20
They're in one room the whole play! +10
Our unfortunate animalistic tendencies +20
Total: +410
Alfred Molina +100
Doc Ock in person! +5
Finger rubbing guy in Raiders in person! +15
Can I say Alfred Molina again? +10
Eddie Redmayne +60
Eddie Redmayne who took a photo with me after the show +20
Super harsh American accent for English Molina +5
An awesome show with just two characters +40
An awesome show that happens in just one room +40
Alfred Molina again. +25
Mark Rothko's studio +40
The flecks of red all over the stage floor +10
Pulley system to change paintings +10
Canvas priming, canvas frame-making +10
The running water +10
The painting scene +40
Depiction of Rothko's preferred lighting +10
Record player and music +10
I wish I could remember some lines to quote! Quotable lines +20
Anti-Pollock quips +10
Anti-Cubism quips +10
Anti-pop art quips +10
Not selling out! +20
Fear of being irrelevant +10
Artistic temperament +10
An artist's self-doubt +10
An artist's insane idealism +10
An artist's ego +10
Total: +570
A Little Night Music
Starpower! Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angela Lansbury in one show +70
Angela Lansbury stole the show with lines about conquests in earlier years with princes, czars, etc! +15
Catherine's stage presence and for tearing up while singing "Send In The Clowns" +10
Finally know where "Send In The Clowns" is from +5
Tickets through student discount, and eventual seating in about the 12th row +20
Good ensemble all around +20
Catherine signs autographs after the show +30
But doesn't pose for pictures -20
Show was sort of boring... -30
Super annoying actress who played young Anne -20
Total: +95
Next to Normal
Wow where to begin?
J. Robert Spencer, who played Dan the Dad +30
Louis Hobson, super gwapo shrink, etc +20
Kyle Dean Massey, who played Gabe +30
Morgan Fahr, who played Natalie (she's the understudy but was awesome!) +35
Adam Chanler-Berat, who played cute, cute, super Jewish Henry, be perfect for me! +35
Alice Ripley oh my god! No wonder she won the Tony +60
Major plot reveal / exposition (no spoilers :) in the middle of the firs act! I did not see that coming +40
Strings and rock! +40
Band in the visible multi-layer wings +20
Three-level set with graffiti eyes, screens, stairs, etc! +30
The set has a pole that the actors swing around! +10
Lights! +20
Diana: And you're not a scary rockstar anymore! +15
Diana: Valium is my favorite color! +15
"Goodbye Henry..." (Hey #1, #2 & #3) +20
"I Am the One" +25
"I'm Alive" +25
"I Am the One" (Reprise) +20
All the other songs +100
Next was awarded the Pulitzer for Drama on the day I watched! +40
Student discount! +20
The first super contemporary musical I've seen / really liked +40
Student ticket price! +20
Anthony Rapp at the show! With picture!!! Maaaark! +30
I didn't get to watch the Gabe who was on Gossip Girl! -15
Super sikip seats... -10
Alice Ripley didn't come out for autographs -15
Total: +700 (Yes, I really liked it)
Sahr Ngaujah, who played Fela +80
Sahr Ngaujah, who played Fela and played the trumpet +20
Sahr Ngaujah, who played Fela and played the trumpet, and played the sax! +25
Fela's powder blue long-sleeved button-down shirt, powder blue pants, powder blue shoes! Act I +20
Fela's pink long-sleeved button-down shirt, pink pants, pink blue shoes! Act II +20
Fela's mama +20
All the guy dancers +40
Guy who kept tapping! +20
All the girl dancers +40
Insane Afrobeat band! +40
Drums +30
All of the music! +100
No cast recording... yet -10
Fela: Welcome na da Shrine! +20
The neon pink insert in the Playbill that gave a background of Fela Kuti +20
Student ticket price! +20
Insane dance that didn't look choreographed +30
Costumes +20
Set design that extended all around the theater +40
Moving stairs, falling nets, super 3D stage design +30
Two disco balls! +20
Same theater as Spring! +10
Multimedia! Screens all over +30
Black light! +30
Audience singalong! +30
Audience dance lesson (1, 4, 9) +25
Interactive theater, the lights never went completely dark in Act I +30
Story went time warp but wasn't confusing +20
Deconstructed theater, part story, part concert +60
Everybody say YEAYEA! +40
Total: +920 (Hmm I was very generous with the points! But I really loved this. See why!)
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